Mark 12:17 (RSV): “Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at him.”
It’s Tax Day in the U.S. and millions of citizens are scrambling to get their returns completed before the deadline. Many proactively filed their returns as soon as their filing documents were available and probably have spent most of their refunds already. Some others like me might owe taxes so we wait until the last moment before we have to send Uncle Sam even of dime of our hard earned cash. Never the less our scriptures remind us that we live in this world and must obey the laws of the land. For it is God indeed who gives power to those in authority.
Good, bad or downright unfair, the tax laws and rules should be followed. The system is flawed and all the bandage remedies and sure-fire revamps shall never fix the issues. The only system of government that shall surely be beneficial to all is the one that Christ shall set up and reign over upon his return. Until that glorious day we need our taxes dollars to fund our municipal services, social programs, mental and physical health facilities, law enforcement and the list goes on. If each of us does our part, we can make a difference. So render unto Caesar that which is his, but remember to give unto God the things which are God’s –obedience, trust, faith, praise, worship, etc. The return you get from God is so much greater than any tax refund. The benefits far outweigh the sacrifices.
So use this tax day as a reminder to give to God all that he is due. He asks for so little in return for the bounty that he gives us. The fact that you can read or hear this message is testimony that you are blessed. Someone suffered a stroke or had a bad accident last night and right now is fighting for the ability to speak, hear, see and comprehend. The fact that you are reading this message on your computer or cell phone is testimony that you have possession or access to technology. In some places in this world, the blessing of consistent access to electricity or internet service is a treasure.
Many of you reading this message are already at work. There are millions of unemployed or underemployed righteous people who would love to make enough money to even have taxes taken out of their paychecks. So don’t worry or hassle about tax time. God will provide everything we need to give Caesar his…as long as we give God the first and the best.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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