Genesis 22:14: “And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.” (NKJV)
Abraham had been instructed by God to offer his son Isaac as a burnt sacrifice on the mountain in the land of Moriah. Abraham, though enamored by this first child born of his wife Sarai, was obedient in all the details leading up to the act. Abraham, Isaac and several men started out on the trek to the area where God had instructed Abraham to go. As they approached the end of the journey, Abraham told the other men to wait for their return as they journeyed up the mountain. It is not known what he was thinking, but the fact that he told them to wait for their return showed evidence of Abraham’s faith in God. He was going to be obedient and God would provide.
Even if God were to raise Isaac from the butchered dead, Abraham knew that the two of them would return. As he and Isaac journeyed up the mountain Isaac inquired of the whereabouts of the lamb to be used for the sacrifice. Even as he raised his knife-clenched hand, once again Abraham’s faith proved that God would provide. When it was obvious that Abraham would withhold nothing from God, an angel of the Lord stopped the act and as Abraham looked up to heaven he saw a ram caught in a thicket bush. This ram became the sacrifice. Abraham’s faith in God provided a suitable sacrifice and a way for both of them to return from the mountain.
Do you really trust God? Do you trust God, really? Do you believe that he wants to provide for you? Do you believe that he will provide for you in that situation you are in right now that you have just given up as being- ‘it is what it is’? Abraham surely knew that God had promised to make him a great nation through his son; so in his heart he probably knew that whatever God was having him to do, would be for his greater good and he would show himself to be faithful. When was the last time that you put on the altar something that was truly sacred to you? Not something that you wanted to discard and remove, or so distant from you that its removal really did not impact you; but something that was treasured by you and its loss had the potential to be disheartening? Have you ever had to sacrifice a love? A dream? A desire? Know this!... no matter what you had, have or will have to give up in obedience to the will of God, you will be victorious in the end. The situation will be rectified; you will be justified and God will be glorified. Do not be fearful of what you think you will lose. Trust God – he will provide.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed –
Dr. JoAnn