Ephesians 6:4 – “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.”
On Sunday I was given an opportunity to seed into the lives of 5 young people as God directed me to attend the Sunday school class of my granddaughter. She was apprehensive about going to the class and knowing her I knew that her excuse about not being in attendance for a while made her nervous. That was not all to the issue. She was asking to come to my adult Sunday school class instead of wanting to go to her own class. She is a social butterfly and loves to be around other children, so I knew something was up. We made a compromise and I attended her class with her.
While there I realized that one of the reasons she did not want to go was because there seemed to be a few kids who were for the lack of a better term ‘ bullies’. Yes bullies in church.
Well we all know how we as concerned parents and grandparents react when someone is mistreating our own. Although these little terrorists were not affronting her directly, their inability to contain their behavior made it quite difficult for the discussion leader to do her job.
I had enough. So with all of the love I could muster, I addressed each and every non-compliant child and told them how disappointed I was with their behavior. After the session was over, I set them all down and told them about the sacrifices that have been made in order for them to have a safe place to worship and learn about God. I reminded them about proper conduct in the house of the Lord and that God is always watching and wanting them to be at their best. They were very receptive; and it appeared that what they needed was a dose of strong discipline and loving expectation. After closing prayer I gave each of them a hug and $1.00 bill. I told them to spend it anyway that they wanted but use it as a symbol to remember that good behavior is its own reward; and that when adults discipline them it is because we care.
I spoke with the parents when they came to pick up their children so they would be fully engaged in what we pour into their little ones. We must not shy away from helping each other serve as the ‘village’ we are called to be a part of. WE must step to the task when we see things going awry and not be afraid to help even our most wayward charges. I am not sure when I will return to the children’s program, but for sure I am sure those who were in attendance on Sunday, shall never be the same again.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!. Be blessed. Rev. Dr. JoAnn
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