Some branches of the military; fraternal orders and secretive organizations tout the fact that ‘many are called but few are chosen’. They wear this mantra as a badge of honor with the stipulation that they are ultra-selective in who can join their ranks. They try hard to make their initiations so difficult that many who sign up or sign on will become discouraged, disgruntled and disenchanted and fall by the wayside. They are proud to let it be known that ‘not everyone is worthy’ to wear their insignia, logo or uniform.
Well I am so glad that our God is not a respecter of persons and that his Kingdom is available to all who will answer his call. God uses us to entreat others to want to join the fellowship and it is a good feeling to be surrounded by persons with like minds. We have been chosen; selected by God before we were even fashioned in our mother’s wombs. We are a royal priesthood; sacred to God and peculiar in that we are sanctified (set apart) from the world yet we embrace the world with love. We turn the other cheek; we cheerfully give of our last and best; we sow what we don’t have in order to gain what we need; we pray in the spirit and walk not by sight.
Yes we are peculiar but the most important truth is that we are chosen!. So the next time life throws its usual blows and critics raise their ugly heads just remember God thinks of you in the highest regards. He loves you tremendously. Jesus gave his life for you and wants you to have the best that life has to offer. We are no longer shrouded in the darkness of despair, depression, uncertainty, chaos, loneliness or insufficiency. We are now in the marvelous light. Speak to those dark places and rebuke their existence in your journey. The glow of the SON is so bright it can scatter any darkness in your life. Be peculiar….and enjoy your life in the LIGHT!
Every day is a good day it is up to
us to make it a GREAT power-filled day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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