Thursday, June 11, 2015

Flashback Thursday - Whose Report Will You Believe?

Good morning! Today's power scripture comes from Numbers 13:30-31  “30But Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.” 31 Then the men who had gone up with him said, ‘We are not able to go up against this people, for they are stronger than we’

The past few days have been filled with emotional rollercoaster events for many of my close friends and family members. I am sure that if it were not for the stabilizing force of the peace of God it would probably be more than many could bear.   Just this week, we have offered condolences as loved ones have passed away; heard praise reports of new life that is expected; witnessed missionary outreach vicariously as believers traveled to distant lands to help the oppressed; prayed over damaged family relationships; cheered as unexpected money paid past due bills; received medical results that sent shivers down the spine but through it all we saw the hand of God move miraculously in diverse situations.
Moses sent spies to survey the land and to bring back reports of what was to be expected.  Of the spies that checked out the opposition, only Joshua and Caleb came back with reports that lined up with the promise of God.  Sure the land was filled with giants and yes the terrain was something they were not used to traversing. The fight was surely something they were not prepared for, but God had promised them the land.  The other spies buckled under that they saw but Joshua and Caleb came back with a report hot off the presses from God.  EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT…GOD IS GOING TO GIVE US THE LAND.   When the spies returned and presented their reports to the people the verdict was simple…. Whose report do you believe?”  Joshua and Caleb said…”We shall believe the report of the Lord.” 
When the odds seem against you and the cards just don’t appear to be in your favor; take your eyes off of the circumstances and place your focus on the promises of God.  Read through the Bible, find words of encouragement, support, guidance, and instruction that falls in line with what you are facing.  Write them out…. Read them aloud…post them where you can see them.  Make audio notes in your phone and play them back often.  Keep God’s word in front of you. Do things for others which will take your mind off of your own issues and bring joy to those who need you most.  While you are helping them, God will work on you; for you; and yes, in spite of you.   God has a miraculous way of turning frowns upside down; turning cents into dollars; turning rent into mortgage; bus tokens into car keys; and even remote controls into romantic dinners for two.   Tell the devil he is a liar and to take his bad report back to (Hades) where he belongs.  We WILL believe the report (healing, love, peace, prosperity, hope, salvation) of the Lord.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday Flashback from June 4, 2014

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