Thursday, June 4, 2015

Flashback Thursday! - God Did It

Today’s power scripture comes from Proverbs 16:18 (NIV) “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
     We see it every day as men and women, many whom have been elevated to be pillars of society, are charged and convicted of crimes that evolved from misguided schemes involving pride. Like a pool of quicksand the trap of deceit that comes from prideful living can paralyze and overtake even the most upright and strident among us. Some people under most circumstances would never rob a bank, yet we see them being convicted of white collar crimes that stem from greed and arrogance.  Those who would boast of their love for family have been caught in the throngs of infidelity all because of pride.
     God teaches us in his word to be mindful of the stealth nature of pride.  It comes upon us slowly and without much fanfare, but then like a crying baby, will not be silenced or placated.  We all have a sense of pride concerning accomplishment hurdles we have crossed and there is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying the fruits of our labor. Where the problem lies is when we take ourselves too seriously and believe that all we have done and accomplished is due to our own efforts, struggle, sacrifice and nature.  We are mere branches of the vine which is Jesus Christ and can do nothing without him as our source.
     When we focus on the reality that God is in control of all of his creation; nothing will cause us to sway from one extreme to another.  We are children of the Most High God and he wants the very best for us.  We do not need to boast and brag about things that really aren’t ours.  We need to take our eyes off of the “stuff” and what “we” have accomplished and re-think that everything is from God, by God, through God and for his glory.  Enjoy the harvest table that God has spread before you but be very careful to remember who gave you the power to get wealth; who made it possible for you to finish your education; who opened employment doors when others were being laid off; who protected you against HIV when you partied just a little too hard: and who kept your mind strong when life beat you down.  It is ok to ‘pop your collar’, just remember who gave you the shirt.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn   

Flashback submission from Feb 25, 2014

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