Thursday, April 28, 2016

Everything Must Change!

Job 1:12 – (ERV)  Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”
As with most things in life; change comes at the most unexpected time and usually from the most expected places.  This week concludes the final examination period for my spring semester course.  And of course just in time to make me crazy I get an update about required testing modalities that must be incorporated in my final evaluation.   In essence instead of the test that I have designed for my students, I must administer a departmental test as well.
I am reminded of the life of Job, when God allowed the devil to test Job’s resolve and resilience.  Job was stated to be a righteous man and had to adjust his daily routine in alignment with the test put upon him by the devil.  He had an unexpected change come upon him; but it was from an expected place.  He knew God was in control of everything. He knew about the wiles of the devil; in his daily prayers he sought protection for himself and his children against anything that might ensnare them.  Just like Job, I know my students will adjust to the changes and perform well. 
What things have changed in your agenda that causes you to have to regroup and redirect your normal routine or thinking?  Remember that change is inevitable and with change God is right there making sure to meter out plenty of grace and mercy to see you through the transition.  Hold on…  the ride might be a bit bumpy at first; but God has a way of leveling off the snags; smoothing out the edges and making sure that the changes that bombard our lives draw us closer to him and more resilient in our faith.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Don’t be distracted; stay on your purpose. Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

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