Exodus 19:20 - (ESV) – “ The Lord came
down on Mount Sinai, to the top of the mountain. And the Lord called Moses to the top of the
mountain, and Moses went up.”
have been marked as “Hump Day” among the Monday through Friday work group who
mark the day as the mid-point of the struggle to get to the fun and relaxation
of the weekend. “Hump Day” has many
images from friendly talking camels to mountaineers scampering up the side of a
tortuously steep hill. Whatever image
pops into mind one thing we must never overlook is that while the mountain may
have its challenges; guess who dwells in the midst of the mountain. God is ubiquitous and is everywhere at the
same time; but as the scripture reveals God ‘goes’ and ‘comes’ in his spirit to
places where we can interact with him on a personal level. Jesus wrapped himself in human flesh and
dwelt among us on Earth; the Holy Spirit encapsulates himself into our being to
dwell within us.
So the next
time you struggle with having to do ‘hard’ things or ‘frustrating’ tasks that
seem to just be like pushing a boulder uphill; keep in mind who is waiting for
you at the summit; cheering for you all along the way; giving you strength to
endure; guiding and encouraging your every step and keeping the predators at
bay. Keep focused on the uphill climb
for you are elevating yourself above the mush and mire below to Go On Up Higher.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT
day! Don’t be distracted – stay focused
on your purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Great encouragement!