Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Forgive and Keep Moving!

Matthew 6:12 – “Forgive our sins,     just as we have forgiven those who did wrong to us. (ERV)
     Forgiveness is so important and I pray my previous blogs about forgiveness have brought light to the subject. God is strengthening me as I have been standing in the gap for so many. I was really growing weary and it seemed as if some were purposefully trying to wear me down.  Life has a way of trying to burden us down when we try to handle things in our own strength.  I had to turn my yoke over to Jesus for his is so much lighter and easier to bear since he did the 'heavy lifting' crawling up Jerusalem's hill to Calvary with the weight of the world on his back in the form on an old wooden cross.  I can but only imagine how it felt but he did it just for me and just for you.  We surely can endure our hardships which God has allowed as a means to glorify himself through us.  What an awesome privilege... it of course does not feel that way while we are in the midst of it and it probably won't feel that way once we are out and looking back, but it isn't about 'feeling'... it is about knowing that God is awesome, never wrong, always loving and always there. 
     I have been going through some relationship re-evaluation moments lately and while I have found it vitally important to sever the interactions with certain folks, I must be very careful not to harbor ill-will or linger in unforgiveness because they did not treasure me the way I thought they should.  It is best for me to cut and go rather than continue to feel mis-understood, used or emotionally drained every time I interact with them.  I had to remember the purpose of my fellowship and not allow my or their idiosyncrasies to cloud my judgement.  Love them...but keep it moving.    
     I know the importance of forgiveness...not for them but for me.  It is an act of self-love when we don't allow unforgiveness to penetrate us and harden us or trick us into acting outside of our Christ-like character.  Those who do unexpected acts of disloyalty or uncanny behavior against us are acting in their character, but we must not counter that with similar actions...that would be outside the character of Christ which we strive to emulate.  We must forgive and keep it moving... to linger will only make us keep rehearsing in our heads what happened and allow negative thoughts to be replanted....No - forgive and move on with the assignment God has for us.  It will not only make us stronger but indeed wiser!  Love them, but leave them.

   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

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