Thursday, August 18, 2016

Revisit Gratitude

Acts 24:3 – “In every way and in every place, most excellent Felix, we accept and acknowledge this with deep appreciation and with all gratitude.”
    As we raise our children one of the first phrases we instill into them is the expression ‘thank you’.  We teach them to show good manners by saying thanks when they are given things, compliments or shown kind deeds.  We know that it is good manners to say thank you immediately upon receipt of something; but what a wonderful impact the words have when they are revisited after the fact.
    Yes I am thankful when you open a door for me and I am grateful when you remember my birthday and I respond quickly with acknowledgement of my thankfulness.  But think for a moment about someone who did something that set the ball rolling for you a while back and now you just need to revisit that thanks.   Who picked you up when your car left you stranded?  Who slid a few bucks into your palm when you needed it most?  Sure you said thanks then, but why not remember them again and let them know you still remember their random act of kindness.
     Who do you need to say thanks to?  Who would gather strength and joy from hearing a few kind words of gratitude from you?  Search your heart and make someone feel as special as you felt when they first helped you.   We don’t do things to get thanks; but it sure lifts the spirit when we hear that we are appreciated and it has even greater affect when the thanks lingers over an extended period of time.   Lift someone’s countenance today; reach out, remind them why you appreciate them and give thanks (again).

     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

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