Hard to believe that we are fast approaching the last week of the sixth month of this year. My how time has flown by and it unfinished business seems to be the order of the day. Often we think there aren’t enough hours in the day or days in the week for us to complete some much needed tasks. The end of the month runs up on us and before we know it we are ready to flip another month over on the old calendar. Whether we feel we have accomplished enough or that things are lagging behind one thing is sure; God finishes what he starts.
Our purpose in God’s plan is sure and on point and believe it or not; on time. The good work that God wants to transpire through you will happen and you will be better for it and he will be glorified from it. God knows all of what is expected and what will happen during our walk with him through the vicissitudes of life and he is eager to watch us participate and progress.
Our role is simply to trust God; have confidence in ourselves and work out our salvation through the grace and favor that God provides to us each and every day. God will; but only if we are willing. God does not always use workers who are qualified; he uses workers who are willing. Make a commitment today to trust the process and allow God to use you for his glory and he will complete a good thing in your life.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t get distracted – stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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